30 Mindful Practices keeping you more present and content

  1. Turn off the TV
  2. Be still for 10 minutes every day
  3. Write out your goals. Start weekly, grow to monthly, yearly
  4. Ground yourself with simple breathing
  5. Acknowledge you don’t know everything
  6. Face your fears and frustrations
  7. Shuffle your feet
  8. Send yourself and others loving kindness especially the people you don’t like
  9. Get out of your way
  10. Make more eye contact
  11. Eat meals slowly
  12. Go to nature and take a hike
  13. Write to friends and family members you haven’t heard from in over a year
  14. Give yourself a gift
  15. Listen to classical music
  16. Honor yourself today. Press your palms together and give thanks to yourself for being a wonderful person
  17. Donate to an online funding source. Help someone out.
  18. Volunteer
  19. Listen. Listen. Listen.
  20. Get offline and go outside
  21. Spread good karma. Pay for a stranger’s coffee/tea/water
  22. Smile at every person you see today
  23. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers
  24. Get a massage
  25. Take a yoga class
  26. Read book
  27. Do something you haven’t done before
  28. Love yourself unconditionally all day or week.
  29. Don’t forget to forgive
  30. Learn poetry

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