Heal Father Wounds is a thorough subconscious belief pattern healing that reprograms limiting beliefs and thinking. It restores balance to the masculine aspect of you. Everyone has a feminine and masculine within.
Your father is an archetype and the second relationship in life. His energy is instrumental in developing a stable relationship with the outer world- careers, direction, finances, and inner strength and courage. Sometimes, the father plays the role of the mother, too. Fathers are devoted friends and colleagues. Women and men who have challenging times in the world or business owe it to their relationship with their fathers or the lack thereof.
What's Inside
- Restore Father Relationship
- Release Fear
- Release Control
- Worthiness
The following day, you may feel disoriented as you integrate the subconscious changes in your life. The goal is to repattern your thinking and unwind your personal beliefs.
Your mind is a garden. KumariDevi pulls the weeds (limiting beliefs), and she reseeds the garden with positive thoughts for you to manifest into your life. She locates the exact situations in the subconscious where the patterns began. Once found, KumariDevi places a spin on the old trauma and wounding to neutralize emotional memory. Soon afterward, you'll feel less triggered, happier and more grounded.
Session One: Restore Father Relationship
Fathers teach children resilience, life direction, and how to make their way in the world. They show how to respect talents, become self-confident, and develop your inner strength. Male role models dictate our relationship with the outer world and how it relates to us personally.
Session Two: Release Fear
Tackle unhealthy fear woven through life situations. Fear is triggered by past emotional memory. Part of you desires forward movement, while another part red flags that movement out of self-preservation.
Session Three: Release Control
We don't like to admit it, but we all have control issues. For most people, a compulsive need for power results from being neglected or abused as a child. If you were physically, verbally, or sexually abused, you likely have reached a point where you feel the need to regain control of your life.
An underdeveloped emotional self often controls situations. While control may provide relief on one level, it does not solve the underlying problem of hurt and pain underneath. Releasing control addresses the emotional wounding that started in childhood and now releases its hold on you.
Session Four: Activate Worthiness
Peel the layers of not feeling enough, self-sabotage, lack of confidence, and low self-esteem. As a child, parents are the most significant influences on self-esteem. Children who are consistently criticized or scolded quickly learn they are worthless. When a child is continually ignored, teased, ridiculed, or expected to be perfect, they develop poor self-esteem. Unworthiness is passed down from generation to generation by mimicking the behaviors of parents and caregivers.
Low self-worth is found in depression, anorexia, anti-social behavior, domestic violence, hoarding, and addictions. Activate Worthiness by addressing the subconscious patterns set into place during childhood. Feel enough and develop self-confidence in life.
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